Club kit
We have a stock of Sotonia youth kit available:
Short sleeve jerseys – sizing is based on the height of your child, sizes available are 122, 134, 146, 158, adult 1, 2, 3 and 4. Cost £20:00
Shorts (non-bib) in sizes 122, 134, 146 and 158 at £20.00
Bib-shorts in sizes 122, 134, 146, 158, adult 1, 2, 3, 4 at £25.00
Long sleeve jerseys in sizes 122, 134, 146 and 158 at £30.
To arrange kit purchases and collection, please email Nick Malbon, our kit secretary at

We also have a relationship with Kids Racing, who offer a large range of cycling (and other sports) kit specifically designed for children. They have kindly offered us a club discount, see newsletter emails for details.
Sessions are open youths aged 6 – 16 years.
A helmet MUST be worn by riders when on their bike.
Riders should arrive in good time for coaching (at least 10 minutes before) and events.
Riders should have a well maintained bicycle of any type with appropriate tyres for the session terrain. off-road tyres are recommended for grass sessions.
Wear appropriate clothing for the weather conditions. For cold winter weather, full finger gloves and waterproof or windproof jacket are strongly advised. Arms and legs should be covered.
All riders must inform their coach if they wish to leave the group for any reason, (including toilet breaks).
All riders must follow coaches’ and officials’ instructions at all times.
All riders should be quiet and listen whilst a coach or official is talking.
Please ensure your child arrives in good time for coaching (at least 10 minutes before) and events.
Please inform coaches of any changes to your child’s medical or health information that might affect their cycling.
Please inform the coach before the session if your child needs to leave early.
Parents must remain in attendance during coaching sessions unless agreed before the session with the coach.
Remember that children take part in sport for their enjoyment not yours.
Support your child’s involvement and help them to enjoy the sport, encourage them to learn the rules and abide by them.
Show and treat with respect for all riders, coaches, helpers, officials and other parents.
Please treat others as you would like to be treated –Bullying, belittling others or taking advantage of another rider is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
Set a good example by recognising & encouraging fair play and applauding the good performances of all.
Never belittle or punish a child for making mistakes or losing.
Whilst representing Sotonia at any event or whilst in club kit, you are doing so as a club member and not as an individual. As such please ensure your behaviour is responsible and courteous.
Please let the coaches’ coach.
All riders must follow coaches’ and officials’ instructions at all times.
All riders should be quiet and listen whilst a coach or official is talking.
All riders should treat fellow club mates, Coaches & officials with respect at all times.
Treat others as you would like to be treated –Bullying, belittling others or taking advantage of another rider is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
Be a good sport! Applaud all efforts whether from Sotonia or not.
Whilst representing Sotonia at any event or whilst in club kit, you are doing so as a club member and not as an individual. As such please ensure your behaviour is responsible and courteous.
Remember the clubs reputation relies on your behaviour & actions.
Thank officials, coaches and opponents.
Remember to have fun!
All Sotonia Youth coaches are CRB checked, qualified in First Aid and have attended a Level 1 Child Protection course.
We follow the principles of common sense, compassion and the British Cycling “Safeguarding and Protecting Children” policies and procedures when working with our children. We are committed to the welfare and safety of our riders, to ensure that our children have a safe and enjoyable experience.