This weekend saw us get together for a fun filled afternoon and evening to celebrate our 2024 champions and of course compete for the spoils in The Big Quiz. With over a hundred participants from our youth and adults section joining together to collect silverware, it sure was a busy evening.

Our very own Martin Olney talked about his recent unsupported off-road LEJOG adventures, bringing his fully loaded stead for everyone to imagine how mind bogglingly epic it would be to haul it over those massive climbs. Thanks again Martin.

This years coveted Sotonian of the year award going to a well deserved Claire Johnson for her efforts in relaunching the club rides.

The quiz was tightly contested with a fair amount of banter between (and only a mild amount of cheating?) from our most senior team members and the bar staff, with the eventual spoils going to the Cross is Boss team – well done!

A massive thanks go out to everyone that came and has helped, Jez for the advertising, Mark Allen and Eve Finlayson for sorting the youth awards, My wife Natalie and Daughter Emma helping to sort the food and room out on the day, and thanks once again for Martin’s inspiring talk.
