Newton Tony reliability 2020

Newton Tony Reliability ride - 26 January 2020

The first Reliability Ride of 2020 will take…

Wellow Golf Club

Founders Day - Sunday 5th January 2020

The 2020 Founders Day meal will be held at the…

South Region Cyclocross Championships, Foxhill

The South Region Cyclocross Championships this…

Bourne Valley reliability ride start Nov 2019

Results: Bourne Valley reliability ride, 24 November 2019


Bourne Valley Reliability Ride - 24 November 2019

Our next reliability ride will be held on…

A professional cyclist about to smash it up Dean Hill

Results: Autumn Hill Climb 2019

A drizzly start and a forecast of heavy rain to…

Round 3, Parentini Wessex CX League, Swindon

Round 3 of the Parentini Wessex CX league gave us…

Keith Ross R.I.P.

Our fellow member and friend KEITH ROSS passed…

Cyclocross is back! Wessex League round 1, Newbury

The Parentini Wessex Cyclo-Cross league got off…