Sotonia Social 2024 Review

This weekend saw us get together for a fun filled…

Wessex CX League round 8, Newbury

A new venue for many of those racing, but a…

Wessex CX League Round 7, Kingsclere, hosted by Newbury Velo

Another competitive round of the Wessex CX league…

Hamish takes the hill climb

It was a perfect October day for this year's…

Wessex CX League, Round 6, Popham

On Sunday, the Wessex League saw round six at…

Wessex CX League, Round 5, Southampton

It was time for Sotonia's home round on Sunday…

September Segment Of The Month results

The return of autumn may have put off a few…

Eventful event and eight times

It is now getting towards the end of the time…

August Segment Of The Month results

Last month sent Sotonians up a long climb in the…

Wessex CX League, Round 1, Clanfield

Cross is back! Some very uncross-like conditions…