Interclub Elimination Race TrainingPeaks Virtual

Interclub Elimination Race on TrainingPeaks…

Strong start for Sotonia in Zwift Racing League

Round 3 of the Zwift Racing League started last…

Wilks wins Alpe du Zwift handicap

Congratulations to Sotonian Tom Wilks who won our…

Sign up for the Alpe du Zwift handicap race

Sotonia’s annual handicap chase up the Alpe has…

Podium finish for Sotonia

The first round of 6 races in the Zwift Racing…

Sotonia win again in the Zwift Racing League

Sotonia recorded their third win of the round…

Zwift Racing League is back!

It’s raining outside, which is an unwelcome…

Sotonia silver medals in the BC South Zwift Racing Series

Gemma Wilks continued her race winning form this…

Dominant performance from Sotonia women on Zwift Makuri 40

A strong team performance from Sotonia’s women…

Sotonia on the podium in BC South Zwift series

We’re two races in to a four week series for any…